Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Google Docs for Education

The age of web 2.0 didn’t just bring us social networking tools. It also brought us productivity tools, such as Google Docs. This created a new way of working more efficiently using web-based technology. Google Docs provides central repository for files that are accessible from any computer with an Internet connection. It also interacts with Google’s suite of tools like Gmail. This creates a powerful workflow that integrates different processes, but keeps everything accessible from anywhere. The most important aspect of Google Docs for teachers the collaboration it provides. Multiple people can share documents and interact in real-time.

In fact, I used Google Docs to write this blog post. Actually, I wrote in Microsoft Word and used Google Sync to upload my file to Google Docs. With Google Docs I have a versioning history of my work, and I can share it with others for help editing it. That’s far more efficient then using email or printing out a copy for review.

If I take that into a classroom setting and I’m using Google Docs, I’m in a much better position to work with students on assignments (i.e. researching, writing), or for peer-to-peer interaction. The key functionality being that we can work interactively on a project.

A lot of schools are adopting Google Apps for Education that provide Gmail, Docs, etc. for a low cost without the worry of hosting and managing these complex applications.

Google has an entire site devoted to its educational tools. It’s full of good examples and product descriptions, of course.

Probably the best resources, however, is our peer starting with this YU 2.0 community. So please share your thoughts on Google Docs, or other productivity tools for education by posting a comment.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lecture Capture

I really like the idea of podcasting and video casting. It helps to extend information beyond the classroom in a meaningful and useful way. It can also be used for classroom assignments and exercises. The most interesting aspect of casting for me is lecture capture, which is the ability to record a lecture. The primary motives for doing so are to provide an opportunity for content review and for use in an online course. Recording a lecture or classroom presentation is not a new concept, but the technology that exists today makes it easier than ever. There is a wide range of software and hardware that could be employed for this task, and cost range from free to tens of thousands of dollars for proprietary hardware.

While I was writing this blog, I found a series of articles from EmergingEdTech describing Lecture Capture in detail. The first article is a conceptual overview of this topic. The second piece discusses the lecture capture process. The third essay continues to explore the technology introduced earlier in the series.

My preference is for software like Elluminate because the main hardware required is a computer, web cam, and microphone. Most classrooms or faculty have a PC and the peripheral devices are inexpensive. I use Elluminate for remote meetings and its being used in an online class I’m taking now. I think it’s also owned by Blackboard, who is the largest player in the online learning space. That means the software is supported. It isn’t the cheapest option but if you’re with an institution it’s a reasonable price. Other, more expensive hardware requires the proper network infrastructure and network-based appliances.

The advantage of lecture capture is that it makes recording presentations easy. I work at a four-year university and our faculty request this capability to record a class in advance of an absence, so the class can continue if the teacher is abroad, to capture complex modalities like computer programming, and to use recorded material in our learning management system, Angel. Our school doesn’t have the products described in the EmergingEdTech article. They use Camtasia to record activity on the desktop and audio from an external microphone.

Whatever the approach, the benefits are clear. Casting, especially lecture capture is a unique way to provide important information to students for present of future use in the classroom or beyond.

Monday, May 16, 2011

How do you Tweet?

I find twitter frustrating. I know a lot of people who use it, but I only know a few of them personally. Most are famous, local entrepreneurs, or companies I follow for general interest, couponing, or to create an impressive profile. As a technologist, I'm not 'in the know' if I don't have a Twitter account.

But, I rarely use Twitter because I haven’t figured how to use it in a way that makes sense for my lifestyle. I have one twitter account that functions as a personal brand representation. I’m not interested in using Twitter to talk about my personal life. After all, it’s part of my digital foot print and at this time in my life I'd like people to find out what I positively contributed to society; not what I ate for breakfast. I struggle with what I would tweet about, and what groups I would join. After all, the Twitter network is larger. At least Facebook I’m connected with Friends instead of strangers and that helps me find interesting, useful, and relevant content.

It’s difficult to keep up with the stream of tweets too, and rather than feeling productive, using twitter ends up feeling like a time sink. I used it enough to know its value and to be able to teach others how to use it – I’m an educational technology manger full-time.

But I’m being challenged now via an online class I’m taking to think about twitter as an educational tool. Yet, I struggle. For me, it’s another social networking tool; a way to share or receive information in short, digestible blips. I’m not presently a teacher, so instead of guessing, I thought I’d ask you, the Y.U. 2.0 community for help.

How do you use Twitter to teach?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Blogs in Education

I think we are all familiar with Blogs. If you’re reading this I think that’s especially true. I don’t need to tell you the power of self-publishing, and how blogs help millions of people express themselves in ways that are unique, and often thought provoking.

This blog post isn’t about blogs, however. That’s already written. It’s about blogging as an educator. After all, this is a YU 2.0 post, so it relates.

I think when we – as teachers – think about blogging, “Why should we use a blog” and “How” are the first two questions that come to mind?

A blog is a very simple tool to use. It can be setup in a few moments, and provides a powerful system for publishing content.

The natural integration in the classroom is most likely for a writing class, but it can also be used for activities that require collaboration, communication, critical thinking, or research. It it’s purist form, a blog provides a tool to build a website that ‘pushes’ information to students via subscriptions.

There are lot of websites and books about using a blog to teach. I’m reading one now, “Web 2.0 How-to for Educators”. It provides some good examples of classroom use, but blogging is only one small chapter. I searched Google and found many, many more examples.

If you’re intimidated by the technology, try setting one up – Y.U. 2.0 is a great place to begin because all you need is an account. I really like Word Press because it’s easy to use, provides nice templates, and is customizable through third-party plugins. You need not know anything about technology or websites to use Word Press or it’s features.

If you’re not sure how to use a blog in your classroom, look around the web, in the bookstores, ask your colleagues, and even your students. Try it for a class project, or writing assignment. It’s a great tool for self-reflection since students’ can think out loud about what they’re working on.

Blogs aren’t so new anymore. They’re a standard tool for writing, group work, or self-expression. They may not be right for all classes or class assignments, but they are good for many. The best way to learn is to set one up, and start using it. Get everyone in your class and school involved and it will be a much more valuable process.

You can even blog about it!